Checkout Button
A simple elementor button to redirect your customer to a stripe-hosting checkout page with multiple payment methods, one-time, recurring, coupon, stripe tax, etc.
Last updated
A simple elementor button to redirect your customer to a stripe-hosting checkout page with multiple payment methods, one-time, recurring, coupon, stripe tax, etc.
Last updated
Checkout Button is a payment element that allows customers to quickly and easily check out and complete their purchase. With Pay Addons, you can add a Checkout Button to any page on your WordPress website using the Elementor page builder.
If interested in setting up a Checkout Form, see Checkout Form.
To use the Checkout Button widget in Pay Addons, you need to first enable it under the Elements tab.
Enabling the Checkout Button widget allows you to add a button to your website that customers can click to initiate the checkout process. This can help to simplify the checkout process and encourage more customers to complete their purchases. The widget is fully customizable, so you can adjust its appearance and behavior to fit your needs.
To get started, create a new page or post, and edit it using Elementor.
Next, drag and drop the Checkout button onto your page (you can search for it using the keyword "checkout" or find it under the "PAY-ADDONS" category)
Click on the button and customize the UI with Elementor as you wish.
Users can customize Payment methods, Mode, Shipping Address, and other options in the general settings tab.
Make sure the Success and Cancel redirect url are specified, these fields are required
The subscription mode is only available under Premium plan.
Price settings allow users to customize Currency, Quantity options, and more.
After the configuration, click on the button, and you will be redirected to the stripe-hosting checkout page to finish the transaction.
Success: 4242424242424242 Any 3 digits Any future date
Decline: 4000000000000002 Any 3 digits Any future date
For more testing cards sample, please refer
After filling in the payment information and clicking Subscribe button, we will be redirected to the Success page which is configured in the previous section. In the thank-you page, we can reuse our Confirmation Summary widget to collect the payment receipts information